Why I Do It

“From stepping into leadership at 11 to creating Profitivity.”

Are you ready to transform your

company culture into aligned, engaged,

invested employees, who thrive

on creating loyal customers?

I'm devoted to helping people have a purposeful and fulfilling relationship at work so they can have a fulfilling experience in life.

I was unexpectedly thrust into leadership at the tender age of 11. It was a day that shattered our family's stability when my mother suddenly ran off with another man, leaving my father, my three siblings, and me in a state of shock. In the midst of the chaos, I made a decision that would shape the course of my life – I stepped up and became the matriarch, determined to keep our family together.

Becoming the Leader

As the oldest girl, the weight of responsibility fell on my young shoulders. Overnight, I had to navigate a world of adult responsibilities that seemed unimaginable for someone my age. Handling finances, cooking meals, managing household chores, and ensuring everyone was ready for work and school became my new reality. It was a daunting task, one that required strength, resilience, unwavering determination and enormous faith.

The Power of Intention

In those challenging times, my intention was crystal clear – to keep our family united, despite the circumstances. I knew that the path ahead would be filled with hardships and sacrifices, but I held onto the belief that together we could overcome anything. This intention became the driving force that propelled me forward, and like a “mama bear” it ignited a fire within me to protect and nurture my family.

A Close-Knit Team

Although the journey was arduous, we transformed into a close-knit team, supporting and relying on each other every step of the way. We developed a deep bond, rooted in our shared experiences and the understanding that we were all in this together. Through the challenges, we discovered strength we never knew existed within us, and our unity became our greatest source of love and belonging.

This formative experience laid the foundation for my unwavering dedication to helping others thrive in the workplace.That’s why the mission of Profitivity Inc. is about transforming lives by creating workplaces people love to work in.

I achieve this by helping them build aligned, collaborative and healthy workplaces starting at the top, so there are valuable resources like time and energy left to focus on the most important parts of life.

There is no reason for people to struggle or suffer at work. A corrosive dysfunctional workplace overtakes and overwhelms people’s lives.

  • I’ve seen it happen with the people I've worked with.

  • I’ve seen it happen with their families.

  • I saw it happen with my own

They understand how crucial it is to figure this area of the business out in order to thrive, but they continue to struggle to fix it from within.

The Importance of An Outside Perspective

There’s a tremendous advantage to coming in with an outside perspective on how to correct the situation.

  • That’s why we became experts in human behavior and neurosciences.

  • We’re free from biases and attachments to the existing situations

  • We can help to break free from the cycle of struggle and dysfunction

When It Began

"My very first job at Taco Bell"

Years later I would return to ‘The Bell’, but this time it wasn’t to take orders at the counter.

I was brought in by corporate to help create systems of leadership they would go on to implement with their teams at restaurants all over the country.


"Together, we can turn the ship around"

Some of the experiences I’ve just shared with you, along with countless others, have helped form the vision I always had for my own company. And it led to the culmination of what Profitivity Inc. stands for today.

At Profitivity Inc, we envision creating a global workforce, comprised of thriving companies, business owners, and employees who innovate, collaborate and serve their customers wholeheartedly.

Our goal is to stamp out disengagement, frustration, and ambivalence.


  • We believe that the key to profitability lies in creating a company culture where each employee knows exactly what needs to be done to confidently feel successful every day.

  • We believe that a business culture that’s beaming with positive energy attracts customers, abundance, and inevitable, limitless profit.

  • We believe in setting a clear, sustainable model for everyone and reinforcing it with intention.

  • We believe in lifting employees up, developing their social skills, and empowering each individual to be self-motivated and proud to be a member of a thriving team.

  • We believe in giving every member of an organization the tools he or she needs to be a successful, purposeful, and contributing member of the business.

  • We believe in bringing the “ideal” into reality with a proven framework for success.

As The President and Founder of Profitivity, Inc., my clients like to call me, "The Workplace Whisperer" because, over the years, I’ve been able to consistently turn dysfunctional workplace environments into aligned, productive, profitable teams with a thriving company culture.

I’m an internationally recognized Speaker, Business Culture Consultant and Master Trainer for small and large organizations, worldwide. I’m the #1 best selling author of, “The Business Owner’s Guide To Empowered Leadership”.

I’ve also created award-winning training systems, interactive virtual courses, published dozens of articles and am considered to be a dynamic, enlightening and entertaining business development expert.

I founded Profitivity in 1985 and for over 30 years we’ve successfully created team-driven work environments where individuals are inspired, focused and valued "stakeholders."

I’d love to find some time to speak with you about how Profitivity Inc. can help your business.Schedule A Call

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